Saturday, January 3, 2009

Necessary training?

Research! That's the key to everything we do these days and with Google, research is easy. I've found a number of books about surfing. I'll definitely buy a book to help with my surfing research. I hope to find out about the best exercise program for surfers. I'm pretty sure that SWIMMING will somehow appear in most programs. "Duck your head and swim," my childhood swim teacher would yell. ummmm ... Much easier said than done. Although I did okay in swim lessons as a child, it definitely wouldn't hurt to have a little more practice. My plan right now is to practice at least one morning a week at the gym. How does Monday or Tuesday morning at 5 a.m. sound? Definitely a little scary, but...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new year, a new dream

Yippee! It's 2009. Another fantastic start to what I know will be a great year. This year I'm going to learn how to surf, as well as possibly fulfill a number of other longtime dreams. I will have to start the year by practicing my swimming since I will be taking my first surf lessons in the Pacific during March. 

I thought it would be fun to create a blog about my surfing experience. If you are stumbling on this page by accident, I hope you enjoy it.