Sunday, November 1, 2015

Finally, Some Waves

I stayed away from the water for the past three weeks for a number of reasons. One reason, and the biggest reason, is that I was busy with my
Although it was rainy, the waves were actually quite
nice at the 43rd Street Jetty. The photo doesn't do it justice.
final weeks of training for the Marine Corps Marathon. Although my training went well, I didn't finish as fast as I had hoped. Although I planned for a 4:15, I didn't finish for thirty minutes after that. My final time was 4:44. It was a great run, though, and I would do it again if I had the chance even though it is impossible to PR because of the crowds and the hills. My favorite memories of this run will be the Marine Corps band playing the Marine Corps Hymn at about mile 10 and the Blue Mile that honored Marines who had lost their life serving the country. What a touching run it was! I will recommend this run to all my running friends. And, if I ever get a chance to run it again, I hope that I can get a better time.

This weekend has been a good weekend for waves. But before this weekend, we haven't had much for surfing, which is yet another reason I haven't been out. Beginning on Friday, the wind started blowing and the waves started building. Surfing reports on Friday suggested the current was strong and the waves were rough and surf would be better, hopefully, on Saturday. By the next morning, the waves looked much bigger, but the current and consistency of the waves looked rough. The forecast was for the waves to clean up a little, but they never did on Saturday. The next forecast suggested that Saturday would be the day that things cleaned up. And, while the waves were building, the weather was stagnate  and only offered clouds and rain. One forecaster said that the sun would start coming out on Sunday, but by this morning, it didn't look like it would be clearing soon. And, the current still looked awful.

I was determined to be in the water this weekend. I felt a little relieved when the weather didn't clear up and the waves didn't build on Saturday as first forecasted. I had a family party to attend that would take most of the days. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and the gatherings, but I would have been a little disappointed if I had missed the best wave of the week/month. I noticed late on Saturday, that the prediction for clean waves had been pushed to midday on Sunday. Perfect!! The weather forecasters had also said the weather would clear, which didn't happen at all. But, the waves cleaned up. Not only were the sets easy to read, the waves were big. The only problem I had was reading them correctly. I either paddled to soon or too late. I caught a couple but it was after they had broken. What a bummer! I need help with the timing aspect of surfing. I had fun nevertheless. And, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a few more waves at least one day this week. I love surfing!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Beginning to Get Colder Way Too Soon

I was excited that the waves from last week stayed around through the weekend. It has to do with the north winds and the beginning of the fall season. I've been a little sad since the days started getting shorter. I want the days to be long and the air to be warm. It's still rather warm right now, but the when the northers come through and the air temps are only in the 80s, I have to wear a long sleeved rash guard. After hearing about perfect waves all week, I went down after work on Friday, despite a report that the waves were dropping fast. I drove to the 43rd St. jetty to see what the waves were like. About seven other surfers were out. Most of them were on the east side of the jetty, but two of them were on the west side. They seemed to be having fun without all the problems facing the crowds on the east side of the jetty. So, I paddled out on the west side. I caught a wave almost immediately, but after that, I waited. I eventually caught another, but by that time, the other two surfers had moved to the east side of the jetty. I hung out a little longer on the west side, and caught another, but the waves were definitely getting smaller and coming through even more sporadically than when I first arrived, and definitely smaller and more sporadic than earlier in the day. I eventually moved to the east side and caught a few there. All in all, it was a wonderful day

By Sunday, the waves were as pretty as they had been during the week. I had some morning responsibilities but, fortunately, the waves held on until I made it down by 1:30. In fact, they were beautiful. I had received a text from dude Brian saying the waves were going flat and he was leaving the beach, but it looked great to me. I went out at 37th and, although there were three or four others already out, there were plenty of waves for everyone. By friend David also drove down and we spent the next couple of hours catching wait- to shoulder-high waves. The were fast and big. Had a BLAST! It was a great way to wrap up the weekend. The only negative aspect was that I had to wear a long sleeved rash guard for the first time this season. There was just enough coolness in the air to make being in the water cold. Bummer! Although it is flat right now in G-town, a north wind is blowing through, and this Friday afternoon is looking pretty nice on SwellInfo's forecast. Hmm. Despite my proclamation that I probably wouldn't be surfing on Friday until after my Marine Corps Marathon at the end of the month, I might have to make an exception this weekend. What the heck?!? I'll just have to go to bed earlier that night to rest and relax before my training run on Saturday. 22 miles of running the next day will definitely give me a workout.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Surfing Cozumel

Who knew that you could actually surf in Cozumel? When I decided that I would take a somewhat last-minute four-day cruise  to Cozumel, I started googling Cozumel surfing. Guess what I found? Well, of course, I was instantly connected to a surfing company…possibly the only surfing company…in Cozumel. Surfing with Nacho had several good TripAdvisor reviews, and some fun Facebook posts. However, the website for Cozumel Surfing did not have an email address, but rather one of those online forms. I immediately sent a note. I was confident that I would hear back within the week before I left for the cruise. But, I didn't. I left for my cruise, and there on the open seas, I receive a note from Nacho G., the surf guru of Cozumel. The spelling was off and I realized that English was definitely not his native language. I could understand what he was saying, though, and he was saying that he could, in fact, give me a surf lesson. I was ecstatic! I am always looking for an adventure.

Had a blast surfing in Cozumel.
When I got off the cruise ship, I took a taxi to the designated restaurant. I can't say that I wasn't a little hesitant and nervous at first, but once I made it to the restaurant and the head waiter knew Nacho, I realized everything would be okay. He took me to a quiet side of the island, far from the cruise ships.  It was beautiful. Waves were about three feet and powerful enough to help me up. I surfed wave after wave and, when necessary, Nacho would give me hints and suggestions. He also used my camera to shoot a few photos. He told me that he almost always has a camera with him, but that he didn't have it that day. I had my camera, though, and offered it to him. So, while I surfed, Nacho took a few photos. Had a fabulous time with Nacho and even learned a little, including a fast pop-up for gals with long legs that involves using one of my knees.  After the surf session, Nacho took me to a little beach-side bar that his cousin manages. What a wonderful experience. I keep thinking that Cozumel would be a great long-weekend surf destination.

Now that I'm back to reality in Texas, I'm waiting for some decent waves. Yesterday, there were a few surfable waves and, in order to loosen my legs after a long run and to strengthen my skills, I went out at 43rd. There was a surf reunion taking place with many older surfers from the '60s and '70s who hung out on the beach. Even though the waves were weak, some of the old surfers in town for the reunion had no problem surfing them. I was in awe of a couple of the older guys who seemed to easily catch the weakest of waves.  I paddled near them just to watch, and I'm so glad I did. They were smooth paddlers, and it didn't take much of a wave to give them a push. I learned from just watching. I caught several myself, and had a wonderful times! I just can't help feeling great after being in the water.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August Surf

At least this year, we have had a little rain. Thank goodness! Sometimes the small summer storms cause the waves to build a bit. Of course, we rarely get the strong, clean sets, but we do get some mushy waves that are, at least, surfable. Two weeks ago, I went with my friend, Dave, to G-town for a pre-work surf session one early Friday. He texted and said that after driving by 43rd and 36th, he thought the surf was better at 25th, also known as the Pleasure Pier, and formerly known as Flagship. Only a couple of other people were out on that early Friday morning at 25th, which left a lot of waves for many to catch. I took the rip current out and caught a wave right away. I knew it was going to be a good morning. Several more surfers came out, but there were enough waves for everyone. Dave also caught several too. As it turns out, I even got my picture taken by a local photographer/writer who writes surf reports and posts pictures online of surfers and other Gtown scenes. I didn't know until I received a text from Dave. After five years of trying, I finally made it on. He caught me on a good wave for Galveston, but I long for the day I can have a picture of me on a big wave. Hmmm…yeah, that would be nice.

By Sunday, the waves looked small…borderline surfable. A friend of mine and I decided to take our SUPs down for just some fun in the water. When we made it to 43rd, there was a little wave action. But, we were able to knee paddle out and then stand and paddle to our heart's content. Eventually, my friend who is quite good on the SUP, decided to take a surf lesson. The waves were perfect that day for lessons. She took one from my friend Brian who had her standing on the board and surfing in no time. I think I might have a new surf buddy, and I'm so glad.

This past Friday, the waves were back. While they had been bigger in the morning, they were still quite nice in the afternoon by the time I got finished from work, loaded the board and headed down. Thought about paddling out at 43rd until I saw about a dozen or more surfers already out there. I drove by 36th and saw two or three surfers out there also. Fortunately, only about two surfers were out at 25th. I immediately unloaded and paddled out. I caught a wave right away, but during the second paddle out, I realized that it was easier with the current and wind to paddle out closer to the pilings under the Pleasure Pier rather than the jetty. Brian, the surf dude, made it out. He suggested that the best place to be was in the corner pocket of the Pleasure Pier. Because of the way the wind was blowing, the waves were coming in from east. At first, it was just me and the surf dude, but after a short while, a couple of others paddled out to the pocket. One of the guys was a very good surfer who had no problem catching every wave. I pulled out of two waves because of him, and loudly protested. Once he noticed, he let me catch a few. Wow! One of the waves I caught reminded me why I love this sport. Hope to catch more waves this weekend.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July Doldrums: Missing the Waves

It sure is hot! For some reason, it seems warmer than I remember in a long while, and I'm less tolerant of it this year. I ran at 5:15 a.m. this morning and it seems crazy warm. I don't remember being so drenched with sweat after a run. I finished with six miles, which is what I had planned, but I wished I could have laid down on the bed for just a few minutes for a cat nap. I also had a busy day at work. I received a text message from a surfing friend saying that although the waves were small, He was able to surf early on. Sometimes I wish I lived a little closer to the beach so that I could more routinely show up for dawn patrol. But, I think it would still be a difficult thing to do because of the nature of my work.  I love working early in the morning. I get a lot of work completed before 8 a.m. But, still, it probably wouldn't hurt me to have a few mornings of dawn patrol. After all, I have vacation to burn so that I don't lose it when the new academic year begins Sept. 1.

I have not had many waves to surf the last month because of the summer doldrums…flat water due to lack of wind strength or bad wind direction. But, last Friday, I heard the waves were surfable. I looked at the webcam, but I didn't think they looked surfable. They looked a little too rough for an SUP, but not quite big enough for a surfboard. I took the advice of my friend, though, and loaded my 9'6" and headed to 43rd. I'm so glad I did. I met a friend who had been examining the waves before I got there. He suggested that since the tide was out, it might be easier to walk the board out further than usual. I followed his lead. It was the smart thing to do, and I'm glad he suggested. I caught several waves for the next couple of hours and had a great Friday afternoon. I would have preferred for the waves to be a little more defined and bigger, but at least I had something to surf. By Sunday, the waves were not strong or big enough to surf and a little too rough to use an SUP. The forecast for this weekend does not look good, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I desperately want to get back out in the water and SURF!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Really Small Waves and Some SUP Time

I have been wanting to surf. But, like always, when I am off, there are no waves. I know I have said/wrote it before: The best waves are always Wednesday mornings at 8 or 9 a.m., just as I am about to go to a meeting or right after I finish one. Therefore, I miss the good waves. Of course, no matter what day or time it is, I think many people think they miss the "good waves." I was determined last week to go to surf on Friday afternoon, which is my usual time for surfing. The forecast didn't look great, but by Friday morning, I could see a few little ripples out there. On the webcam Friday morning, it looked as thought a few people were out at 45th. I kept my fingers crossed that it would stay that way until I got off work on Friday afternoon. I originally had planned to got to Surfside, but with the waves being "iffy" at best, I decided Galveston was my best option. Made it to 43rd around 2:30 p.m. and worried that I had almost missed them all. However, I paddled out and noticed there were a few little peelers just for me. I got caught on the inside once, causing me to flip under the water and lose my sunglasses even though they were on a string around my neck. I am always caught off-guard when these things happen. Never even saw this happen. I caught a few little waves and had lots of fun. The beach was quite full because of summer vacations, but I was still able to get out past the crowds in the water. One young lady was out (Autumn) and she was making the waves look pretty and easy. I was in awe of her abilities. A couple of young boys were also out and, of course, they told me how the waves had been bigger in the morning. I chuckled. The only other eventful thing that happened was when the key I wear around my neck became detached from the ribbon it was on and, in slow motion, fell first to the top of the board just as a wave was coming in. Of course, I never saw it again. But, after a $115 visit from a locksmith, I was able to get back in my car. All in all, it was a wonderful afternoon.

By Sunday, it was even smaller than Friday. I loaded up my SUP and met a friend at 43rd for a quick morning session. We had a ball. I hadn't been out on my SUP in awhile, and I still have a lot of learning to do, but I still had fun. I fell off the board twice -- once when I was was wading through the white wash to get out past the break, and another time when my board was knocked awry by the beginning of a wave. If the waves had been a little bigger and stronger, I would have definitely been surfing, but the waves weren't really breaking until they got closer to shore. I started to question my decision of buying such a short SUP, but at the same time, I realize that if the board was bigger, I would definitely have trouble loading and unloading. I think my friend had fun too. As the summer flat spell hangs on as it usually does in July, I'm so glad I can least go out and SUP.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Remembering Where I'm From and Watching Fireworks

What a busy and exciting week! I decided for the first time in three years to return to the Smoky Mountains for some hiking. It hasn't exactly been three years since I went hiking, but it has been three years since I had been to the Smokies. It was nice to be back on the trails I had hiked many times before, as well as to try a few that I had never set foot on before. I had a couple of unusual things happen during a particular long and treacherous hike. At about mile 6, my phone rang. What makes this unusual is that I hadn't had much of a signal most of the time we had been in the mountains. In a strange turn of events, it was a newspaper editor calling about my job at the university…he wanted to know if the university would be open the next day because of a forecasted tropical storm approaching the area. I explained I had no idea and that I was in the mountains. What I can't quite figure out about it, is how I was able to receive a call in the middle of a forested trail in the mountains. I hadn't been able to  get a signal during most of the trip and, now, in the middle of a hike, I was able to get a call. Then, about a mile later, my right hiking boot feels odd so I stop to check it out. Thinking I had a rock caught in the tread of my shoe, I expected to dislodge the rock and keep on; that is, until I realize that the tread of my boot had come detached from most of the shoe except the toe. I just shook my head. What is most odd about all of this is that, for the first time, I had packed my trail running shoes in my backpack. I'm not sure why I did it, but I was incredibly happy that I had. Once I changed into the trail runners, I realized how heavy my hiking boots were, and how light the trail runners are. I was light on my feet and almost immediately decided that the next pair of trail shoes I would get, would not be high boots, but a lighter weight, lower cut hiking shoe. The hike became much easier with the lighter shoes, which is a good thing since the trail we were on turned into a a difficult one with multiple downed trees, high weeds, lots of stinging nettle and a little poison ivy. All of those on the hike made it through even though we were crawling, climbing and high-stepping through the trail. In the end, it would go down as one of the all-time best 10-mile hikes I had ever been on, with just enough intrigue to keep me on my toes.

I returned to Texas on that Thursday (6/18)…after the storm had passed. I had already decided that
I paddled out at 37th and had fun!
Friday would be a surf day and, fortunately, there were a few waves. They definitely were not as big or well-formed as they had been just before the Tropical Storm was about to come through. But, at least there were waves. I traveled to 37th, paddled out about 150 feet to the east of the jetty and, almost immediately, began to catch waves. Needless to say, it was a great ending to the week. I even rode earlier that morning, which meant that during the week, I had already hiked, biked and surfed. I was having a stellar week. And, a fun one. I ran on Saturday morning before going to my family's church to help with their rummage sale. My mother had requested my assistance some time ago, but I had forgotten about the sale. Since it had been scheduled at three other times and then canceled because of rain, when she called me on Tuesday of the week before, I knew that there was no way for me to get out of it. And, I'm glad I didn't. It turned into a beautiful day at the church in which I grew up…the church in which I was confirmed. I saw people I hadn't seen in a long time as well as met new people. I watched my mom compassionately lower prices on clothing priced at a quarter for people who didn't have a spare 25 cents. It was a humbling, yet wonderful experience. And it was good to be with my kind and loving mom.

Later that evening, I did something else fun. Let me backtrack a little. A couple of weeks ago while surfing social media, I found a link to a night-time SUP tour in Galveston. I couldn't resist. I signed up immediately and persuaded a friend she needed to go also. What a fun evening! We met with the tour leader at the Offatts Bayou parking lot on 61st Street. They brought us 11'2" SUPs and we launched from the boat ramp. we paddled to Moody Gardens and waited for the weekly fireworks display to begin at 9:30ish. Saturday evening was beautiful and when it came time for the fireworks, we locked our SUPs together by putting one end on top of the end of another. Then we each leaned back and watched the fireworks, which appeared to be right overhead. I never saw fireworks so close. It was as if the show was just for us. We then paddled back to the boat dock to unload. The only scary part was making sure that the boats passing by could either see us or hear us. I would probably buy a waterproof headlamp for the next time…and I definitely plan for a next time. I'm hoping to do it again another night this summer. Until then, I can just close my eyes and relive the bright and beautiful lights as I remember them.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

One Early Morning

May is such busy month. Since I work at university, it's the end of the spring semester, which means we celebrate commencement and all it entails. I have to admit that it's a fun month. Watching students who have worked hard, most of whom have full-time jobs and families, fulfill their educational dreams is a great experience. I've worked at least three 13+-hour days and partial weekends, so my surf time has been seriously limited. And, then, this weekend when I finally have a break, I have a cold or allergies or whatever else causes a stuffy nose, scratchy throat and watery eyes. I hate the way it makes me feel. I would have definitely gone out to surf Friday if it weren't for this stuff. And Saturday. Today, it was flat, but I would have still gone out…probably on my SUP. The forecast for the rest of this week is about the same as today: FLAT, FLAT and FLATTER. Oh my!

I was glad that I went out surfing one morning last week before work.  I had received an email on
Hang 10 for sure
Monday afternoon from my friend at work who surfs. He said that the forecast for that afternoon and the next morning looked good. I pulled out my phone and verified what he was saying. And, after further investigating by visiting webcams and three other surf reports, I knew he was right. I agreed to meet him the next morning at 6:30 a.m. Early the next morning, he texted that the surf wasn't quite as good as it was the afternoon before, but that there were still some nice waves at the 61st Street Pier. I agreed to meet him there and, although I had never really surfed there before, was able to find the best place to set up and wait for the wave. I took the rip current out and got in the lineup. At 6:30, there was only one other person out. We chose the west side of the jetty because we thought it looked cleaner. Had a blast! I caught several wonderful waves that morning, including one that I thought was my best ride ever. I felt like the wave allowed me the best pop up ever and the ride seemed to last forever. It was, quite possibly, the best start to any day. I was at my desk by 10 a.m. I hope to start my day this way several times this summer. However, it looks like it won't happen this week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Last of the Wetsuits for the Season?

Texas is about to move from spring to summer. It's a little muggier than it has been so far this year. Up until now, we've enjoyed milder temps and a little rain. But things changed this last week. Humidity is higher as are the warm temps. Usually, the winds have calmed a little by May, but this year, they are blowing hard and strong. Of course, that means that the water in the Gulf is being tossed about like it is in a blender. It has been incredibly choppy lately and this past weekend was no different. The forecast showed decent sized waves, but they lacked form. That wasn't stopping some of the regular surfers. Beginning last Friday, I was seeing and reading online about all the surfers going out. I could see the line-up. The truly gifted surfers were whipping in and out of the waves, making the mushy waves look like perfect lines and, not only that, they were all just in suits -- not wetsuits necessary. Just watching them on the cam made me realize I would need to go surfing over the weekend. Since it was Mother's Day weekend, I had a feeling that getting out on Sunday would be difficult. Not only would I have family activities with my mom, but it would also be crowded on the beach. As for crowds, Saturday wasn't much better. I know, because that was when I decided to go out. 

This photo is an old one, but reflects
what the waves have looked like
lately…very choppy!
I had a bicycle ride early Saturday and fought the same wind that was churning the waves. When I finished my 48 miles, relaxed and watched other surfers catching waves on the webcams, I decided that I needed to make a trip. I was so glad I did. Because of the wind, I took "Sunshine," the 8'1" board. I haven't been out on the McTavish for a while. But, I knew that carrying any of the boards in the crazy wind would not be easy -- the smaller the better. The paddle-out was rough, but I made it to the outside, and remembered what I liked about the board. About four or five other surfers were already on the outside. I spoke with one of the surfers, and he said that it was absolutely necessary to catch these waves before they broke. Of course, as soon as he said that I saw a wave coming and started paddling. I caught it, stumbled on my pop-up because of the smaller board and surfed left. I eventually fell off. That would be my ride for the day. I had one more short pop-up/ride, but, basically, I just paddled around. And, that was okay. I had fun, and got reacquainted with my board. I stayed out a little over an hour before I had to pack up. I was keeping my fingers crossed that I might be able to make it back out on Sunday. But, alas, my Mother's Day schedule was just too tight to squeeze in a quick trip to G-town. I'm hoping to make it down one night after work, but with the weather forecast so dismal, I may not get to make it down. Keeping my fingers crossed for next weekend. Here's hoping!!! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April Showers Bring May Waves???

Rain and a busy schedule has kept me from surfing, and I'm really starting to miss being in the water. Thought this weekend and last weekend would give me at least one successful surf day, but I was wrong. With Easter and several other activities last weekend, I probably wouldn't have had time anyway, but this weekend, I had time to go down on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon or even this morning. I kept my eye on the webcam. Friday, during the day, several surfers went out and had a great time. I watched them on the webcam, but I couldn't leave work until 4 and, by then, the waves were gone and the rain was beginning. I was bummed that I missed it, but thought that after my run on Saturday, I would certainly be able to get in some surfing. By Saturday, the waves were still gone. It was very windy, so the water was rough, but no waves were forming.

I then thought that perhaps I would get a chance to surf on Sunday, but, again, waves were a mess. But….jump ahead to next weekend.

New post -- April 23

I started this post two weeks ago when finding waves was impossible. However, last weekend was a different story. I decided to take a weekend trip to Galveston. I registered for a half marathon that would start in downtown and then take runners to the Seawall before landing them back downtown. I ran the Diva Half Marathon last year, and because the run ended with the death of another runner, I knew that I needed to run it again just so that my last memory of it wouldn't be of a young girl dropping dead. I took last Friday off from work and made it to the island early on Friday morning to get in some surfing. Waves were disorganized, but at least there were waves. I went out on the east side of 43rd and caught a few. However, I kept feeling like it was carrying me close to the jetty because of the wave direction, which was definitely pushing west. I changed sides and went out on the west side, and even caught a few there. I missed several also just because of my inability to accurately read the wave. I was chilly when I arrived so I wore my 3-2. Since air temps were a little cool, I knew that with water temps in the 70s, I would be cold. I'm glad I wore it. Had a blast. I still need to work on my turning though. I always seem to ride toward shore. I might ride the wave at a little bit of an angle, but I always end up close to shore as if I'm just riding it straight in. I know I'm getting better, but I still have a long way to go.

Since I was staying in Galveston, I couldn't resist going out again on Saturday. I knew that I wouldn't have a chance to surf after my run on Sunday, so I decided to ride my bike down the beach to see where the best waves were. As it turns out, the best waves looked like they were across the street from the hotel at 51st Street jetty. I had never surfed there, but quite a few surfers were already out there. By the time, I changed into my suit and my shorty (my 3-2 was still wet) and headed out. I thought I would be cold, but I wasn't. Well, I was cool right at first, but I warmed up in no time. The waves had subsided quite a bit, but I still had fun. It felt good to be out two days in a row. I'm not sure that surfing two days in a row helped my run the next day, but I sure had fun. It was a great weekend.

Another new post…April 26

Now, jump ahead again, to this weekend. This morning (Sunday) I heard there were waves. I didn't believe it. The webcam didn't show very many waves. It looked flat to me despite a text from a Gtown friend who said he was going out. I had a crazy day planned, but I decided to head down and, just in case, I opted to take my SUP instead. Once I arrived there, though, I was wishing I had one of my other boards. The waves were, in fact, nice little peelers. A ton of people were out. I was glad I was there. And, I definitely needed the SUP practice. I'm thinking about talking lessons. I struggle surfing waves on it. I can catch them, but I don't get into the surfing stance fast enough. I feel a couple of times just because it was rougher than it usually is when I'm on my SUP. I saw an old friend who was in town, so even though I missed the surfing, it was still a great morning.

(Sorry to anyone who might be reading this confusing post. I need to get back into a regular pattern of posting. I need to stop letting life get int the way.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring Excellence…Well Kind Of

Waves were a little mushy,
 but still surfable. It felt good
to be out surfing again.
Three weeks have flown by since I've been surfing. Rain, no wind, no waves and cold have been keeping me and everyone else who wanted to surf away from the beach. I've missed it. I've stayed busy  with my other sports. I've continued to run and cycle, and when that wasn't possible, I attended spin class. I definitely kept active, but was dreaming about being back out in the water. The forecast for this weekend did not look promising on Surfline early last week, but, by Friday, Sunday looked like it would be the best day of the two. I was beyond happy. I wanted to surf.

Sure enough, when Sunday arrived, I looked at the webcam and could see some ripples. Surf reports indicated that it was, in fact, surfable on a longboard. I couldn't wait to get out. I had some early morning conflicts so I couldn't make it down to the island until later…until mid-morning, around 11 a.m. I drove to 43rd, but it looked crowded already by the time I got there. So, I kept driving. I made it to 37th Street jetty, and, while the surf didn't look quite as big/strong, there was only one other person out in that spot. I was sure it was the best place for me.

I went out on the east side of the jetty because of the direction of the wind. However, I didn't feel like the rip current was very helpful getting out. It was better just to watch the sets and choose the right time to get out. I paddled out to the end of the jetty and was quickly swept toward the west by the current. The waves were mushy and not very powerful, but everyone once in awhile, the right wave would pick me up and I was able to surf it. I felt wonderful out in the water. And, the air was warm and the water was warmer than it had been. For the first time this season, I was able to wear my 3-2 again rather than my 5-4. That's always a good thing. I can move better. Surf has been "okay" so far since Sunday. I'm hoping I can make it out this weekend, but I'm not sure I will have the time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I want to get back in the pattern of surfing twice or three times a week. And, when there are waves, I need make the most of it. Happy Easter!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wind, Waves and Wintry Weather

Once upon a time, a gal wanted to strengthen her surf skills so she decided to pick a couple of days week to chase waves. However, because of the beach she was forced to choose, she didn't get to hone her skills the way she had hoped. Oh well! The past few weekends have been flat. The waves have
I was forced to wear a 5-4 wetsuit. Brrr...
only made an appearance at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays when I'm at work. But this weekend was a little different. A strong south wind had sprung up by the end of last week and by Saturday, it had kicked up quite a bit of action. Surf forecasters had said that by Saturday afternoon, the waves would be head high. Several of my surf friends on Facebook were excitedly anticipating the waves and posting their surf plans. I decided I would need to wait until Sunday because of conflicting Saturday plans. And the forecast for Sunday was going to be about the same.

I was in the water by 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Several surfers were already out, and I stood on the seawall a few minutes to see how I would go out. The waves were crazy. They looked big, but soft. I was just trying to figure out how to get out past the rough waves to the outside. And, that would be my biggest dilemma for the day. I took the rip current out the first couple of times and had no trouble, but after about 45 minutes, the waves got even rougher. The rip current even got a little rough. The tide and the wind kept pushing me into the jetty, which I hate because the barnacles and rocks cut my hands and feet. I was tired before I made it all the way out. I decided to just stay on the inside to catch re-forms or white water, which included some fun waves. However, I am a little disappointed that I couldn't make it out, and I'm angry with myself for giving up. I should have kept trying to get to the outside, forcing myself to swim past/through the waves. On hindsight, I'm worried that I gave up too soon. Although, the air temp was in the low 70s, the water rep was still quite cold. Because of that, I was forced to wear my 5-4 wetsuit, which also seems to make it more difficult to paddle because it constricts my movement a little. Can't wait until it gets warm enough to either wear a 3-2 or not even need a wetsuit. I'm definitely ready for spring/summer.

Surf reports for this weekend show another weekend of waves, with 5+ foot waves forecasted. Not sure if the report will hold, but I think there will be some sort of wave action. Right now it is FLAT, but a slight wind shift is all that is needed for the waves to be generated. I'll just have to wait and see how big the waves get.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Inconsistent Waves and Lots to Do

As usual, winter proves to be a difficult time to guess about the waves. If the north wind comes through strong enough, nice, clean waves are available. But, the weather has been so bizarre that the north winds are either too strong or too weak to create waves of any worth. It's also seemed so unusually cold this year. Case in point: last week, I looked at various webcams and saw some waves. They weren't the prettiest waves, but they were surfable, and I needed to get wet. Well, I think the water temperature has been hovering around 55 degrees, so I was definitely out in my 5-4. I hate having to surf in a 5-4.  My movements are hindered, and it is a pain in the behind putting on and taking off. Ran into a few people that I met through Facebook, and they seemed to be having a good time. But, they too, complained about how cold it was, the good and bad about wearing booties, and the uncertainty of the waves.  I went out at 36th Street, and because the waves were fairly weak and because I'm not the best surfer, I only caught a couple of waves. Many were having trouble, so I didn't feel so bad. But, I sure miss catching nice waves.

Waves are calling…somewhere.
I'm dreaming of travel again. I've looked up some warm places to travel that might be inexpensive and easy to travel to, and that might have surf. I could fly back to Ixtapa, Mexico, and go to Troncones, but I think I would be nervous going alone or with just a friend. So, then I thought about Cancun. I would feel pretty safe traveling there, but I'm not sure the waves are great. I found a couple of surf schools, which I think I mentioned in a previous post, but I'm just not convinced the surf would be very good. What to do, what to do…

One thing I can do during these winter months is build stamina and upper body strength. I've started a 28-day challenge for doing planks. I'm on day 8, and I've already skipped a couple because I've forgotten, but I'm now back on track and must stay in plank for a minute, building to three minutes by the end of the month. I certainly see how doing plank can help with surfing, as well as my other sports of running and cycling. Most sports require a strong core, and the planks are one of the best ways of getting that core. From the plank position, I can practice the pop-up. I certainly could use more practice with the pop-up. I think I'll be practicing that forever.

Please send some waves my way!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Yoga, Running and Very Cold Water

Several years ago, I was a yoga convert. I started taking it when someone decided to hold yoga sessions in one of the classrooms during lunchtime at work. I wasn't sure I would like it, but there was lot of hype about how good it was for you. I remember thinking that it can't be that great because people taking it don't sweat. I found out after a few sessions that I was wrong. Not only was it quite a workout,   it also helped me to strengthen my core, something that is incredibly helpful for any sport, including surfing. I wasn't surfing at the time though. I was cycling then, and it helped me to get faster on the bike. However, I did get a couple of yoga sessions when I went to Chica Brava Surf Camp, and each time I had a session, I seemed to have a better day in the water. I decided last Tuesday and Thursday, on a whim, to go to the yoga class at my gym. I felt better than I had for the previous four days. As I've mentioned before, I'm training for a marathon, so I've been doing quite a bit of running. For some reason, my runs for the past couple of weeks have resulted in lots of leg pain. I don't have time for "rest" since my marathon is in just a few days. So, yoga was the next best thing to rest. And, it was a miracle. My leg felt great. At least, for a few hours…

I ran the Chevron Houston Marathon today.  It has required a lot of training, a lot of long, painful runs.
My 2015 Chevron
Houston Marathon
Finisher's Medal
I was both nervous and excited as the day approached. I really never know how I will do. I wanted to run it faster than I did last year, and I did by 10 minutes. My leg hurt a little at the start, but was much better than it had bee. The yoga must have helped. Of course, none of this really has anything to do with surfing. I haven't been surfing in about two weeks. I went out on the 3rd this month. It was definitely quite cold. Water temp is lower than I remember it being since I started surfing.  Right now, I think it is hovering around 48 degrees. And, with the air temp around the same or slightly above, it makes it downright miserable to surf. I went anyway though. I surfed some beautiful waves. Many surfers were out. It was a Saturday, and I had just finished a 15-mile run.  I was wearing my 5-4 wetsuit, but had chosen not to wear booties or gloves. Needless to say, I only lasted about two hours before I was freezing and had to get out of the water.  After that, I thought I probably should stay away from surfing until after the marathon. I had trained too hard and didn't want to get hurt or sick before the big day. I'm on the final countdown right now, and, so, I'm avoiding large crowds lest I get around someone sick, and staying away from any activity that might be dangerous for me right now. I can't afford to get hurt. Although, I must admit that I miss surfing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the water will warm up and waves will form and I can go surfing again soon.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year and Three Key Words

December was a crazy month! Between work, holiday commitments and life, getting to do anything fun is very difficult. When I had the time to surf in December, I would check the wave cam and find it flat. I made it to G-town one Sunday early in the month. I didn't have very much time to surf, but I still needed to get wet. Waves weren't the best, but there were some out there. I had already decided that I was wearing my 3-2 wetsuit instead of the 5-4 simply because I am sick of wearing the really thick one. It limits my movement. The air temp wasn't too terribly cold…in the high 60s and low 70s. I was certain I could get away with the thinner suit.

One other person was out. I paddled out in the rip current to the end of the jetty and got pulled west. I paddled for a few waves, but couldn't catch them because they were too week. But, by the fourth wave, it had just enough punch to get me a little ride. The other person who was out was a shortboarder and he was staying real close to the jetty and a little on the inside. He spoke to me as I sat waiting for a waves. He mentioned that we must be really desperate. I responded by saying that we must be the only ones who had full-time jobs because we had to surf on the weekend whether there were waves or not. He agreed. He caught a few, and I caught a few. I had fun. I wished the waves had been a little better, but beggars can't be choosers.

Ugh! I will be wearing a wetsuit in Galveston
until March or April. 
Since that time, waves have been hit or miss, as has the weather. When the waves have appeared, I've either been busy at work or it has been too cold to even think about getting in the water. I saw a picture the other day on the Internet of a man who had been surfing either in Alaska, Canada or somewhere in northern Europe. He wore a full wetsuit that included a hood, gloves and booties. He had icicles hanging from his mask, and all I could think is how miserable that would be. I'm sure he caught waves, but I don't know if that would be something I could do. I'm pretty strong, and although I could make up my mind to surf no matter what, even I would have a difficult time being in water and possibly having icicles dangling from my stocking cap and or gloves.  I have a hard time even thinking about those few seconds between pulling off the wetsuit and putting on the dry clothes. The time period is short, but it feels like a lifetime as I'm shivering and pulling clothes from my bag. A 3-2 wetsuit, and possibly a 5-4 wetsuit -- yes; but a stocking cap gloves and booties with that 5-4 -- probably not.

Happy New Year! 2015 is upon me and I always reflect on what I've done in the past, and what I want for the future. I saw a post on another social medium that suggested people come up with three words to describe the hopes and dreams of the upcoming year. I took some time thinking about those three words and came up with Change, Adventure and Passion. I think I start most years hoping for these three things, or, at least, Adventure and Passion. However, I believe I sink back into the safe and standard way of living life. And, although, I'm often opposed to Change, I finally realized that I can't live a year of Adventure and Passion unless I learn to accept Change more readily. I'm excited about my own personal discovery, and I'm committing to accepting what might lay ahead for me. And, as usual, I'll still be looking for waves.