Monday, March 11, 2013

Daylight Savings Time

A cold front moved through late yesterday. That seems to be typical for March in Texas. Just when you think spring is coming, a cold front drops the temps and makes it feel like winter again. I'm ready for some 80-degree weather. I like it warm. By the end of this week, the temps will rise into the mid 70s and the wind will be out of the south again. This week is spring break for local high schools, colleges and universities. Typically, spring break brings not only cold weather but rainy weather.  This year will be different for all the spring breakers. There is no rain on the forecast. And that's a good thing. I'm hoping there will be a few waves by the end of the week.

This past weekend was the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. It was time to set the clock spring ahead. I like that because then I have more daylight after work. I even have time to surf. Since I haven't had a chance to surf for almost two weeks, I'm ready to get back in the water. I'm thinking by Thursday evening I should be able to go out. The waves are forecasted to return once the winds shift back out of the south. This past Friday was messy so I couldn't go out; a few mushy waves popped up on Saturday; and, by Sunday, the weather was messy and the wind was too strong. A surfing friend who was visiting texted me on Sunday to let me know that he was in town, but that the waves weren't worth a trip down to the island for me. Too bad. It would have been good to surf with my friend. I noticed in the middle of the day today, that the waves were finally pretty. However, they didn't last long. I watched a couple of people go out on the webcam. The window of opportunity was definitely short-lived.

I had some really sad news during the week, and I'm thinking that a short surf session will help me work through it. The news is not something I can fix and involves someone very special to me. And, it will change my life in the long run. But, for now, all I can do is offer my love and hope that it's not as painful as I think it's going to be. I need waves to help ease what is going to be a rough couple of days, months, years...I really have no idea how long. And, I can't think about it right now. Bring me waves!