I checked today's waves online first thing this morning. The Gulf was flat. The only waves visible were those breaking really close to shore. I was going surfing when I got off of work at noon no matter what. Brian called last night to see if Robin and I were coming down, and I answered with a "definitely." He offered to call this morning to let me know how the waves were, but I said it really didn't matter because I basically needed the practice of swimming out on the board anyway. He seemed to like that answer and said that he would meet us at our usual spot at the 43rd street pier. He also mentioned he had a board he wanted to show me. (He keeps insisting my board is too narrow for a tall girl like me surfing on the small surf in Galveston. I believe it's an optical illusion. Because the trim is purple, I think it makes the board look narrower than it actually is.) He said this board had been made especially for him. He wanted me to see it because it was 24 inches wide, therefore making it easier to use in Galveston because it had hips. Mine is actually 23 1/2 inches, and I can't believe an extra half inch would give me that much support. But, who knows? His board was a great looking board. And he has surfed a lot longer than me.
Once we made it down to the waves, Brian started lecturing us. He insisted the only reason he cares about how we are doing is because he likes us "dudes." It's actually kind of nice to know that he wants us to succeed. He initially claimed that I had slipped into some bad habits and was not doing the pop up correctly. He said I was dragging my left foot forward before I was putting my right foot forward. As a goofy-footer, I should definitely be moving the right foot first. He suggested I practice on the shore, and I did it perfectly. However, the next time I went out, I noticed that I was doing exactly as he said I was. My left foot was sliding up part way first. I apologized for telling him that I wasn't doing what he said I was doing. He said, "I know what I'm talking about." And he does. I just need to keep practicing. I decided that I would also rehearse the pop up some more in my living room just as I had done several months ago. I can't slip back into sloppy habits! No way, "dude."