Yippee! I picked up my new board Friday. It was worth the wait! What a beautiful board. James Fulbright did an outstanding job creating my new board. He is definitely an artist when it comes to surfboard construction. The other artists involved, including the waxer and artist that drew my flowers also did an outstanding job. I didn't get to surf on Friday because of the weather, but my mentor Brian insisted I come over to his house to prepare the board for surfing. So, that's what I did. I went to Brian's and heated the base coat wax, then painted it on the board. James Fulbright seemed perplexed when I asked for the base coat wax and explained that I was going to melt it. Apparently hot waxing a board is a thing of the past. I questioned James about it an he said most people just rub the cold weather wax on their board this time of year. However, Brian had other plans, but it might have been for the best. Using a paint brush to swish on hot wax is a lot easier than rubbing that stuff. I was grateful to Brian for showing me how it was done. I didn't surf that first day 'cause it was too cold, and I didn't have my 5-4-3 wetsuit yet. However, this must have been my lucky weekend because it came in the next day. I had my new surfboard on Friday and my new thick wetsuit on Saturday. On Sunday, I was ready to go.
That morning was foggy, but it didn't stop me from loading my new board and my new suit, and heading down to the island. It was a spectacular morning. Riding my new board was like floating on a cloud. The sets were well-spaced, and the rides in were long. Andrea came down with me and, she, too, had a good morning. We both caught waves including one side-by-side wave, which made us look like a Charlie's Angels episode. Not many surfers had come out that morning, which was surprising since the waves seemed pretty good in the morning. We surfed for two-to-three hours. It was eery at first because of the fog. It almost seemed like we echoed. However, once things lightened up, so did the waves. My new 5-4-3 wetsuit kept me fairly warm. The only place I was cold was my hands. However, that wasn't too bad. I could definitely surf with some cold hands. All in all, the morning was fabulous! Not only did I have a new ride, I also had a new outfit to boot.