Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July Doldrums: Missing the Waves

It sure is hot! For some reason, it seems warmer than I remember in a long while, and I'm less tolerant of it this year. I ran at 5:15 a.m. this morning and it seems crazy warm. I don't remember being so drenched with sweat after a run. I finished with six miles, which is what I had planned, but I wished I could have laid down on the bed for just a few minutes for a cat nap. I also had a busy day at work. I received a text message from a surfing friend saying that although the waves were small, He was able to surf early on. Sometimes I wish I lived a little closer to the beach so that I could more routinely show up for dawn patrol. But, I think it would still be a difficult thing to do because of the nature of my work.  I love working early in the morning. I get a lot of work completed before 8 a.m. But, still, it probably wouldn't hurt me to have a few mornings of dawn patrol. After all, I have vacation to burn so that I don't lose it when the new academic year begins Sept. 1.

I have not had many waves to surf the last month because of the summer doldrums…flat water due to lack of wind strength or bad wind direction. But, last Friday, I heard the waves were surfable. I looked at the webcam, but I didn't think they looked surfable. They looked a little too rough for an SUP, but not quite big enough for a surfboard. I took the advice of my friend, though, and loaded my 9'6" and headed to 43rd. I'm so glad I did. I met a friend who had been examining the waves before I got there. He suggested that since the tide was out, it might be easier to walk the board out further than usual. I followed his lead. It was the smart thing to do, and I'm glad he suggested. I caught several waves for the next couple of hours and had a great Friday afternoon. I would have preferred for the waves to be a little more defined and bigger, but at least I had something to surf. By Sunday, the waves were not strong or big enough to surf and a little too rough to use an SUP. The forecast for this weekend does not look good, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I desperately want to get back out in the water and SURF!