It must be Friday!! That's my usual surfing day, and I always look forward to some afternoon surf. Although the waves were less than perfect...downright crappy to be exact...I still had fun. The surfing takes my mind off of things. I can be a million miles away when I'm out in the water. My experiment with sunglasses ended rather abruptly today when a wave caught me off guard and knocked them off of my face. I had no idea they would come off that easily. In fact, it happened so fast that I didn't even see what direction they went. I was just in the wrong place and the wrong time. I've attached a photo of today's surf so that I can remember what it was like when I read my description. The board is Brian's surf lesson board. (His student fell off and I snapped this shot.)
I can't complain too much though. Every once in awhile a decent little wave would push through and I would get a ride. I didn't really miss many today. Of course, that's not saying much since I didn't catch all that many either. However, I was patient and caught just about everything I tried to surf. Sometimes, the wave would close out fast, and I would get a very short ride. But, a short ride is still better than no ride. Several surfers were out. Brian was giving a lesson. I finally got a great photo of her actually standing. (She had a rough time.) Of the other five or six surfers out, only a couple of them were very good. Although, one of them didn't really look fantastic when he was up, he was still able to catch the wave and ride it sideways down the wave, which gave him a much longer ride. I hope to be able to do that one day soon.
This week has been a much more positive week than last week. I'm so glad! I'm ready for some good times. Surfing on a Friday afternoon is one of those times, that's for sure.