I was determined to surf this weekend! I knew that I would be cycling on Saturday, running on Sunday morning before going to a work conference in Houston. On Friday afternoon, I was tired just thinking about it all. But, I sure did want to surf. Surf Dude sent me a text saying that it wasn't worth coming to Galveston on Friday afternoon. However, I saw waves on the webcam and knew I had to go down. It was a mess, but at least there was something. Several surfers -- probably other surfers like me who only get to surf on the weekend -- were out in the waves when I arrived at the 43rd street jetty. I could tell it was just as the Surf Dude had said. He wasn't going out in that mess, but I was ready to give it a try. My time in the water is so limited. I put on my 3-2 (although the water is warming up quickly) and headed out. Several of the surfers were in just long-sleeved 2-1 rash guards, but I thought the water felt chilly, and I was glad to be wearing my wetsuit.
I originally thought I would just stay on the inside and play around in the white water. I attempted to catch a couple, but got pushed around quite a bit. I was determined though and, eventually, caught a few. I attempted to get to the outside and took the rip current. I made it to the end of the jetty and was paddling out past an incoming wave when I somehow got turned sideways and got pummeled by the wave. I made my way back onto the board and tried to paddle, but I had been pushed back to the inside. I caught some whitewater all the way in and caught the rip current back out. Meanwhile, the other surfers are around, but only one or two seemed to be catching waves. I don't wish for others to have a miserable time, but I feel a little redeemed when I'm not the only one NOT catching many waves. I eventually caught a couple of whitewater waves, and I had a ball. I just needed to be in the water, and it helped my week be a good one.
Hmmm…maybe if I ate the right food, I could be a better surfer! |
Saturday waves were very similar to Friday's, and I decided to just cycle. I rode 48 miles in preparation for a half marathon I had planned to run on Sunday. It was pretty silly for me to wear myself out the day before a long run that I had hoped to set a personal record running, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Sunday was a little warm for running, but I still laced up the sneakers and ran 13.1 miles. Had a blast. I was a little slower than I had hoped. I was dreaming of a 1:55 finish, but, alas, I crossed the finish line at 2:01. That's okay, I'm still happy with my time. Temps were a little high and the wind was blowing quite a bit, so I doubt anyone had a PR. Right after the run I had to drive to Houston for a work conference.
On a sad note, one of the runners collapsed as she crossed the finished line. The medics worked on her and she was taken to the emergency room, but the run Facebook page posted that the young lady had died. She looked to be in her 20s, was having a bachelorette weekend with friends and family, made it past the point where she had her crown and pink feather boa (close to the finish line) and was smiling as she passed her sister. I was very sad to hear about this. This young woman had a bright future ahead of her. It is a reminder, that we should live life to the fullest. May she rest in peace!