I'm still preparing for my big run in 10 days, which is what I'm doing to fill in some of my surfing times. Of course, most of the times I'm just going to the gym and spinning. The running has gotten a little easier, except, of course, for the day after when I'm very sore. On Saturday, I ran 9.77 miles in 1:24, which translates to about an 8:40 min. mile. And now, three days later, my left foot still hurts. It swells at the end of the day, but what bothers me most is the tedious little pain. It's not bad or unbearable, it's just annoying. One of my spin instructors suggested a stress fracture, but I'm not convinced that is what it is. I'm considering some sort of orthotic for my left shoe...or maybe just thicker socks. I only have one or more two short runs before my long run. Hope it goes well.
Only one month away until I go to Nica again! Right now, I can't wait to be warm. I'm also looking forward to consistent waves.