Bummer! This weekend was a complete wash when it came to surfing. Other than a few waves late in the day today when it was much too late for me to make it down, it was basically flat. When the waves started building yesterday, I had other commitments AND Mardi Gras was going on in G-town so it would have been madness if I had made it down there. This morning, a few rough waves emerged, but it wasn't until this afternoon that the waves started building and formed into pretty waves. Of course, I had to miss it all because of all the stuff going on in my life these days. My schedule is way too busy. I'm hoping for some possible evening waves one day this week or, at least, some waves by Friday.
I rely on Surfline.com for my surfing updates. According to the site, we should have waves Wednesday, but I also think that we will be having some rain. And, the weather forecast is predicting much cooler temps by then too. What a shame! Seems like we were going to be able to move into a 3-2 this week, but I think if it gets as cool as they are predicting, then surfers will definitely need their 5-4s. Can't wait to get out of the 5-4. It's just so stiff and thick that movement is constrained. But, at least it allows me to surf on cold days.
Surfing at Popoyo or anywhere else in Nicaragua would be a perfect way to travel this spring. |
Surfing vacations have been on my mind lately. I think I mentioned that I might want to travel to Panama. But, in reality, I'm just looking for somewhere warm with waves. I'm tempted to return to Nicaragua. This is the first time in four years that I don't have a trip planned for the second or third week of March. I found out recently that the Chica Brava surf camps had started to offer mini-camps where a person arrives on a Wednesday and return on a Sunday. I'm seriously considering one of these trips. I desperately want to take a quick trip somewhere. I'm on a limited budget this year though and may be forced to wait until later in the summer. I can't help but dream though.
In other sports news, I'm continuing to struggle with my marathon workout. I just don't want to add a third day of running. And, today's run has me in pain! I have some shin pain and have self diagnosed it as posterior shin splints. Sounds like I will just have to ease up a little and give my shins a little "tlc." Fortunately, I don't think it will affect my surfing.