Nicaragua was still the same, thank goodness. Well, it might be a little more developed in some places. We opted to drive straight to the farm, rather than stop in Granada (sp?) for lunch and the market. We stopped in San Juan del Sur at the grocery store before driving up the fun and incredibly

bumpy driveway to the house. We're staying at the same house from my visit a couple of years ago, which has a beautiful view of San Juan del Sur. I'm staying in the upstairs bedroom this year, which offers a large windowed wall and makes me feel like I am sitting on top of the world.
We went on our first surf trip today. We went to Remanso Beach, which requires a ride through some of the countryside a short way out of town. Once at the end of the bumpy road, the waves were nice! Because it was an extremely windy day, the Chica Bravas decided that Remanso would be a good beach for the beginner surfers as well as us not-quite-intermediate-but-a-little-better-than-beginner surfers (those of us who had surfed before:-)because of the strong winds. Small mountains surround Remanso and the Chica Bravas thought it would be a little more protected. It probably was. The water was quite chilly. I chose to only wear my 1.8 m rashguard. Tomorrow, though, I will probably wear the rashguard over my springsuit.
I didn't have the most fabulous of surf days. I went to the outside, but struggled to catch a wave. I was able to catch only one or two, closer to shore. Oh well. I am excited to use the 8'4" Robert August "What I Ride" board from last year. I got some great advice from the fabulous Chica Candace, and I look forward to tomorrow and discovering what my surfing adventure holds for me!
(YIKES! I've posted this three times and it hasn't shown up. Every time I have to start over. I'm just sure my first draft was the best.)
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