Several years ago, I was a yoga convert. I started taking it when someone decided to hold yoga sessions in one of the classrooms during lunchtime at work. I wasn't sure I would like it, but there was lot of hype about how good it was for you. I remember thinking that it can't be that great because people taking it don't sweat. I found out after a few sessions that I was wrong. Not only was it quite a workout, it also helped me to strengthen my core, something that is incredibly helpful for any sport, including surfing. I wasn't surfing at the time though. I was cycling then, and it helped me to get faster on the bike. However, I did get a couple of yoga sessions when I went to Chica Brava Surf Camp, and each time I had a session, I seemed to have a better day in the water. I decided last Tuesday and Thursday, on a whim, to go to the yoga class at my gym. I felt better than I had for the previous four days. As I've mentioned before, I'm training for a marathon, so I've been doing quite a bit of running. For some reason, my runs for the past couple of weeks have resulted in lots of leg pain. I don't have time for "rest" since my marathon is in just a few days. So, yoga was the next best thing to rest. And, it was a miracle. My leg felt great. At least, for a few hours…
I ran the Chevron Houston Marathon today. It has required a lot of training, a lot of long, painful runs.
My 2015 Chevron Houston Marathon Finisher's Medal |
I was both nervous and excited as the day approached. I really never know how I will do. I wanted to run it faster than I did last year, and I did by 10 minutes. My leg hurt a little at the start, but was much better than it had bee. The yoga must have helped. Of course, none of this really has anything to do with surfing. I haven't been surfing in about two weeks. I went out on the 3rd this month. It was definitely quite cold. Water temp is lower than I remember it being since I started surfing. Right now, I think it is hovering around 48 degrees. And, with the air temp around the same or slightly above, it makes it downright miserable to surf. I went anyway though. I surfed some beautiful waves. Many surfers were out. It was a Saturday, and I had just finished a 15-mile run. I was wearing my 5-4 wetsuit, but had chosen not to wear booties or gloves. Needless to say, I only lasted about two hours before I was freezing and had to get out of the water. After that, I thought I probably should stay away from surfing until after the marathon. I had trained too hard and didn't want to get hurt or sick before the big day. I'm on the final countdown right now, and, so, I'm avoiding large crowds lest I get around someone sick, and staying away from any activity that might be dangerous for me right now. I can't afford to get hurt. Although, I must admit that I miss surfing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the water will warm up and waves will form and I can go surfing again soon.