Who knew that you could actually surf in Cozumel? When I decided that I would take a somewhat last-minute four-day cruise to Cozumel, I started googling Cozumel surfing. Guess what I found? Well, of course, I was instantly connected to a surfing company…possibly the only surfing company…in Cozumel. Surfing with Nacho had several good TripAdvisor reviews, and some fun Facebook posts. However, the website for Cozumel Surfing did not have an email address, but rather one of those online forms. I immediately sent a note. I was confident that I would hear back within the week before I left for the cruise. But, I didn't. I left for my cruise, and there on the open seas, I receive a note from Nacho G., the surf guru of Cozumel. The spelling was off and I realized that English was definitely not his native language. I could understand what he was saying, though, and he was saying that he could, in fact, give me a surf lesson. I was ecstatic! I am always looking for an adventure.
Had a blast surfing in Cozumel. |
When I got off the cruise ship, I took a taxi to the designated restaurant. I can't say that I wasn't a little hesitant and nervous at first, but once I made it to the restaurant and the head waiter knew Nacho, I realized everything would be okay. He took me to a quiet side of the island, far from the cruise ships. It was beautiful. Waves were about three feet and powerful enough to help me up. I surfed wave after wave and, when necessary, Nacho would give me hints and suggestions. He also used my camera to shoot a few photos. He told me that he almost always has a camera with him, but that he didn't have it that day. I had my camera, though, and offered it to him. So, while I surfed, Nacho took a few photos. Had a fabulous time with Nacho and even learned a little, including a fast pop-up for gals with long legs that involves using one of my knees. After the surf session, Nacho took me to a little beach-side bar that his cousin manages. What a wonderful experience. I keep thinking that Cozumel would be a great long-weekend surf destination.
Now that I'm back to reality in Texas, I'm waiting for some decent waves. Yesterday, there were a few surfable waves and, in order to loosen my legs after a long run and to strengthen my skills, I went out at 43rd. There was a surf reunion taking place with many older surfers from the '60s and '70s who hung out on the beach. Even though the waves were weak, some of the old surfers in town for the reunion had no problem surfing them. I was in awe of a couple of the older guys who seemed to easily catch the weakest of waves. I paddled near them just to watch, and I'm so glad I did. They were smooth paddlers, and it didn't take much of a wave to give them a push. I learned from just watching. I caught several myself, and had a wonderful times! I just can't help feeling great after being in the water.