I didn't get to surf this weekend. This time, though, it wasn't because of not having enough time; but, rather, it was because there were no waves! We are in the middle of the summer doldrums, which means the Gulf is flat -- at least, in Galveston it is flat. Last year during our drought, we had waves because the wind was constantly blowing out of the south. However, this year we are having a lot of rain and, with the rain, light winds that blow in from the north and west. It's just not blowing hard enough to cause any wave action. Of course, a couple of my surf buddies are blaming me because the flat seas began just about the same time I bought Roxanne, my new 9' Walden surfboard. The only positive thing -- if there could be anything positive -- is that I'm doing more cardio workouts.
I realized on Thursday night that I wouldn't get to surf on Friday. Surfline and SwellInfo both gave dismal wave reports on Thursday night for Friday. They were correct. Not only was it raining, but it was flat. So even though I don't mind surfing in the rain (as long as there is no lightning), I also had nothing to surf. Since I realized it on Thursday, I was able to plan to attend the 5:30 a.m. spin class at the gym. I would have rather had a workout in the waves, but when that isn't possible, I take what I can get. On Saturday night I scoped out the report for Sunday and again saw "flat" as the forecast. In fact, when looking at a week ahead, I see "flat" through next weekend. I'm so bummed about that. Of course, since getting my new board, I want to surf even worse than before. It's been two weeks since getting to surf, and I'm itching to get Roxanne in the water.
Bella sends wishes to the future baby |
Fortunately, I have been able to run and attend spin class. Rain and other commitments have kept me off the bike. I was able to get in a 9-mile run before the rain on Saturday fortunately, but I was unable to ride because of another commitment: a shower for my nephew's girlfriend who is seven months pregnant. I didn't feel so bad about missing the riding though, because by the time I finished my run it was pretty damp out. I didn't get rained on during my run, but it was raining by the time I made it home. The two showers -- baby and rain -- kept me from cycling Saturday, but that's okay. It was okay that I just got to run. The 9-mile run was a success for me since I have a half marathon in just two weeks. The baby shower for my nephew's girlfriend was also a success. In fact, I thought I'd share something that happened at the shower. All the guests were asked to fill in a wish list that would eventually be given to the baby when she is old enough to understand the wishes. One of the guests was the 7-year-old grandchild of another guest. At 7, I was amazed to find out that not only could she read, but she could write. She turned in her list with all the others (I snuck a photo of it). Not only do I agree with her list that I hope the new baby respect her family, but I also hope she gets shoes. That one made me smile. I didn't write it on my list to the baby, but I should have written that I hope she grows up to be a surfer. We need more surfer girls!