Monday, February 2, 2009

Downward facing dog

Fortunately, yoga has started again. After almost two months off, my illustrious instructor Amy is back to offer lunchtime yoga classes. While the classes should continue until mid-April, I know that after that time, we will all probably have to find a new yoga instructor. Amy is getting married to a Brit and moving across the ocean. So, us regular lunchtime yogis will be without an instructor. Today's class reminded me about how much I need yoga to stay flexible. I also need it to keep my core muscles strong -- the muscles that are used in every form of exercise, but never really understood until one takes a yoga class. We had two new people in today's class to add to the six "regulars." They didn't seem to have any problem keeping up. I didn't feel the usual aches and pains that I sometimes feel at the beginning of a new semester of yoga classes, except for downward facing dog. Amy had us do three in a row and each time we had to hold the position, which, for some reason today, was causing my wrists to hurt. I can't explain it. My wrists should be in great shape, and should certainly be able to hold half of my body weight. I also definitely need to remember to focus on my core in all of the poses. In fact, by concentrating on my core, I'll probably never have to worry about my wrists again. If only I can remember...
