Friday, February 27, 2009

"No man is lonely eating spaghetti..."

Approximately 15 or so years ago, I decided that I was a vegetarian. I had never really been a big meat eater, but I had grown up with smothered steak, pork chops and hamburger meat in many forms. I didn't eat a lot of it, but at least every meal at my family's house had a meat portion. It wasn't until my early 30s that I decided to stop eating meat as much. I wasn't a true vegetarian though, because I had the occasional meat product as long as it was well-done. I ate salads, just about all vegetables, lots of pasta, quite a bit of bread and way too much chocolate. I thought pasta, vegetables and salads were the best things for me. When I took up cycling, this idea that carbohydrates were best was validated by the carbo-loading dinners offered by organizers of big bike rides. So, before every big ride, I ate what I thought I was supposed to eat -- spaghetti. And, it worked. Or, at least I thought so. In preparing for my upcoming surfing trip, I searched through "The Complete Guide to Surfing" to find out what I should be eating. There were not dietary suggestions listed. It's not even a topic in the index. However, I know from reading about how to get flat abs, I need to eat protein. Now, instead of just a potato or salad with pasta, I'm adding meat. I feel better and healthier than ever. After years of not eating much hamburger meat or steak, I've reintroduced them whole-heartedly back into my diet. I hope the flat abs follow. I know it takes more than just diet, but it's a start. Every once in awhile, though, I revert back to my old self and just want a big plate of spaghetti.

"No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention."
Christopher Morley
American Writer (1890-1957)

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