Friday, April 3, 2009

Gorgeous spring days's spring and the weather for the last couple of days have reminded all of us in southeast Texas how wonderful this season is! Henry David Thoreau dedicated a section of his "Walden: or, Life in the Woods" to Spring. "One attraction to coming to the woods to live," he writes, "was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the Spring come in." While I know that Thoreau is writing more about life than just a season in the chapter, I must comment that I don't need to go to the woods or even to an open field to experience spring as much as Thoreau. I get to see it in the morning on the way to work or to a ride as the sun comes up on Galveston Bay. I also get to hear it when I walk through trees at work and hear a bevy of birds singing above me. I experience it every Saturday and Sunday during my early morning bike rides as I smell freshly mown grass. And, soon, I hope to experience it while taking surfing lessons in Galveston and feeling the sun on my skin and waves splashing through my hair. I've done a little Internet research and found numbers to call for info on different surf instructors. I need to take the metaphoric plunge and arrange for lessons and board rentals. I realize we're only two weeks into the "official" beginning of spring, but I don't want it to soar past so quickly that I miss my opportunity to appreciate this fabulous season while in the surf.

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