Well, I've got the board and I've got the thicker wetsuit, but I don't have any waves!! According to my surfing friend, Brian, the flat waters are usually more likely to happen in the summer, not the winter. He's teasing me that the surf Gods are plotting against me since I have a new board. I laugh at this. After all, it's a very busy time, so having to ride my bike or go to the gym is not such a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, I wish I could surf, but if I can't, I'm sure I can find something fun to do. I probably won't be cycling either, since winter riding is actually more difficult than winter surfing. On my bike, I'm miserable for the first 45 minutes, unlike surfing, where I'm only miserable for the first few seconds after getting in the water. Rumor has it that it will be even colder next weekend. Will that mean that the waves are gone again? I hope not, but if that's the case, I'll just try to have a Merry Christmas!
I'm dying to get out on my new board again though! Not sure when that will happen, but if it doesn't happen this week, I hope I get plenty of surfing opportunities during my week off between Christmas and New Year's.
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