I'm having a blast in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua! For the second year, I treated myself to the Chica Brava Surf Camp, and it is fantastic. Not only do we have warm weather and sunny skies, but we have great surfers sharing their expertise with us. This year, our instructors are Anna from Holland and Candace from California. Both can surf long boards or short boards, and each offer a little something that the other may not.
Although I have stood many times on the board while here, I still haven't conquered the complete surfing experience, which includes catching a wave on the outside and riding it down the line. Some may have the ability to catch them on the outside within the first year of surfing, but I haven't been able to do so yet. Maybe I should feel worse about it, but I don't. I know that when it all starts to click for me, I'll be successful. I won't give up. I'm getting really close. I just need to master the pop-up. I'm not getting up quickly enough. I watched many of the more experienced surfers today, and came away with some great techniques. One of the women in our group is from Hawaii and is very quick, fluid and smooth with her pop-up. It's what I aspire to as I surf. Oh well...only practice will help.
Today we went out on the boat, which requires us to swim into shore, then surf and, then, a couple of hours later, requires us to swim back out to the boat. We didn't have as far to go to get back to the boat as last year. And, I was able to do it rather easily. Most of the girls got tired out and opted out of the next beach, but I decided that I needed as much practice in the waves as possible and jumped back in when we got to our new destination. The waves weren't as good there, and after I wiped out a couple of times, our two instructors and our wonderful surfer from Hawaii decided that the waves were closing out. So, we just swam back out to the boat.
Pictured above are my fabulous surf instructors Anna and Candace.
Karen, I admire your tenacity and perseverence. You'll get it right soon....as long as you're having fun trying, then you've got the most important part of the surfing experience mastered in my book! Can't wait to see more fab pics from Nica!
Thanks Cindy! I'm having a blast in the water. I think it might all come together one of these days...so I'll just keep on trying. I get discouraged sometimes and then I have to realize I'm really still pretty new at a sport that is dominated by twentysomethings...and I'm a well past that.
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