"If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with." If you can't surf at a place with waves, surf what you've got. Hmmm...waves have been bad lately. Friday they were too flat to even play on and today wasn't much better, but I still loaded up my board, as well as a board for a friend who wanted to go out and practice, and made my way to the 43rd street jetty. Brian and Robin wanted photos of the three of us with dry hair, possibly for his website or for a story that is going to run in the Galveston County Daily News. So, I definitely had to go today whether I wanted to or not, or whether there were waves or not. Lately, I've been doing quite a bit of running. And, on Saturdays, I run and bicycle, which makes them pretty rough days physically. I'm not complaining though. It's what I enjoy. I'm not sure why, but I really like the way I feel after it's done. By afternoon, though, I must admit that I'm dog-tired. Fortunately, I got a good night's sleep last night!
I had a few short rides today. I pearled once though, which is odd when the waves are so crappy. But, I just swam back out and waited for another small little curl to come through. My arms are sore tonight from paddling so much to catch the waves. Not only did you have to be exactly in the right position, but you also had to have incredible patience. The waves would look as though they were coming in sets, but just as I would get into position to paddle, the wave would dissipate. I would get pushed closer to shore, have to swing the board around and paddle back out. I didn't have to paddle far though since the waves were breaking so close to shore. I'm sure Brian thought they were perfect for lessons. He had several sets of lessons and board rentals going on today. This of course can also make surfing difficult on days like today's. I constantly had to be aware of other people watching for the same waves or in front of the wave. In addition to the people taking a lesson, other swimmers/vacationers were in the water. Usually, if I get down early enough (by 7) I have the waves to myself for the first three or so hours, but when I get down at 8, take photos and don't make it out into the water until almost 9, I don't have much time before the beach is filled with other beach goers. Before long, little ones are in the water. Then when the waves don't break until close to shore, I have to watch out for youngsters who might be bobbing along in the water. Oh well, at least I get to surf. However, I might have to find real surf soon!
I'm contemplating another half-marathon even though I thought San Fran would be my last. I'm liking this running "stuff." In particular, I like running with a group. Training runs are the pits, but I'm even getting better about making the most out of those. A friend suggested they should be more meditative, which really helped me with consistent breathing during my last run. The next half I'm considering is in Huntington Beach, purely because of the medals. They look like surfboards!!! I bought a new pair of running shoes today. So, I guess I should never say never.
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