I recently noticed that all of the sports I'm involved in are solo sports -- running, cycling and surfing. Solo may not be the accurate way to describe cycling since I prefer riding with my club, but, it is actually up to me how fast or how far I go on my bike and I don't rely on a "team," so I consider it a solo sport. Surfing is definitely a solo sport, although, again, I prefer it when a few other surfers are out. But, in reality, I'm on my own. I'll be traveling alone to run in the Surf City (half)Marathon in Huntington Beach, Calif. next month. I won't necessarily be running alone since a couple of surfing buddies who live in California are coming to Huntington Beach to run, as well as a couple of guys I know from either cycling or the gym who are also planning to be in California for the run. I think I've mentioned the run before and Huntington Beach as one of my top surfing destinations on my "wish" list. Well, I decided my upcoming trip was the best time to cross that destination off my surfing list. So, this week after I finished making my important travel plans including purchasing the airplane ticket and making the hotel reservation, I made some even more important travel plans: I booked surf lessons/board rental. I had no way of knowing who offers the best lessons, so, basically, I just selected a surfing school from a list that popped up when I googled "surf lessons Huntington Beach." The Banzai Surf School, based on the physical address, isn't far from my hotel and just might be a good place to meet up and learn from a local surfer. I sent an email requesting information and got an immediate response...I think it came into my email address at 1:40 a.m. Based on the quick response and the subsequent email exchanges, I'm feeling like I made the right decision in booking a lesson with them. I'm excited to meet my surfing instructor in person (either Jaz or Phil). The waves look amazing in the pictures and video clips I've seen. I don't want the waves to be large 'cause I actually prefer 3- to 4-foot waves, but I do look forward to possibly having consistent and clean waves in which to surf.
Surfing in Galveston this week has been impossible. It's FLAT, FLAT, FLAT! This time of year, surfers wait for a norther to come through or for the wind to return to the south. Neither has happened this week. Actually, a cold front came through during the week, but it barreled in too strong, which flattens rather than allows for waves to form. Since this weekend is a three-day weekend for me (the state recognizes MLK Day), I still have tomorrow for waves. Surfline is predicting 4- to 5-foot waves, but I'm not really holding my breath. I'm not sure the wind has picked up enough yet. But, we'll see. Unfortunately, rain has also been forecasted. I don't mind surfing in the rain, but I definitely worry about possible lightning.

Finally, my week ended with a very exciting revelation for me. I found out on Friday that my entry to a six-word memoir contest was selected for publication in O Magazine. It's my Oprah debut. They didn't include a picture, but they did include a short bio I submitted. I used surfing to describe my life, and I guess the editors liked it. ummm... Surfing life's ripples, wishing for waves.
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