Monday, February 4, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

And yet another weekend passes me by without surfing! Friday was flat; Saturday morning was flat; and Sunday was FLAT. I think some small, but surf-able waves appeared on Saturday afternoon, but because of Mardi Gras, getting to the 43rd street jetty or any other jetty would have been difficult. On top of everything else, I didn't have the time to go Saturday afternoon anyway. I ran seven miles on Saturday morning, but I didn't even get to go to my usual Saturday morning ride because of a work commitment. And, of all days, the idea that I didn't get to surf or cycle is SAD! I had a wedding early that evening so I knew that I wouldn't have time to do any of my fun activities in the afternoon. I could only dream.

The good news about my work commitment, though, was that it was great fun. The university I write for held its first ever event for freshman. As an upper level university that has only accepted students in their third year of college, the idea that we might be recruiting high school students to become potential freshmen is exciting and refreshing. I had the privilege of interviewing a few of the students with their parents. They were sweet, bright and energetic, and I can't wait until they possibly choose my university as their university in 2014.

Saturday was Ground Hog Day.
Not sure if the Ground Hog saw his
shadow, but I sure did. Oh my!
Six more weeks of winter?
As I said earlier, Sunday was not any better when it came to waves. I had another commitment in the morning, so, again, I didn't get to cycle until a little later. I was able to ride a few miles, but it was a little chilly in the morning so I didn't get to ride as far as I usually would. I also had a number of other commitments that day including a Superbowl party, which was very fun. (My team didn't win, but it was a close and exciting game, and the company was good.) I sometimes wish the weekend was just one day longer so that I could do everything I want and need to do. Although I rode a little on Sunday and ran on Saturday, I wish I could have surfed and cycled. And, I also need to continue packing. I'm in the process of moving, and, fortunately, I've been given some extra time to complete the move, but I really need to get busy.

I can't say the WHOLE week was a waste when it came to surfing though. Last Tuesday reports indicated that Wednesday morning would bring a short period of clean surf. I'm allotted approximately three hours a week to work out so I chose Wednesday morning for my workout time.  I was sure glad that I had. I found my way to the 43rd St. jetty with all the other local surfers. It was quite crowded because of the Surfline forecast. I was so glad to be out in the water even if it still meant putting on a 5-4 wetsuit on a cold day. I didn't have as many rides as I wished, but I had one really good one that made it all worth while. I don't think I'm paddling soon enough. I know I've said it before, but I really need to work on that. I can't explain, though, the exhilarating feeling of that one good ride. I felt like I was gliding across the top of the wave. And although I'm sure it wasn't as big a wave or as fast a wave as it felt to me, I flew into another place in my mind. I know I need a lot more practice, but rides like that one makes me appreciate all the hard work. I can't wait to surf again.

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