I'm pretty sure I mentioned my marathon training. In fact, I know I have. Because of the extra mileage required for training, I'm having to adapt my workout schedule a little. It shouldn't affect my surfing, but it has the last couple of weekends. Because of weather and moving and cycling, I've been forced to give up my surfing on Sunday mornings for the past two weeks. I miss my Sunday morning surfing, but it can't be helped. Last week, I was able to go out on Sunday afternoon, but this week, I didn't have the time to wait until the afternoon. I just had to skip it altogether. Fortunately, I went out on Friday.
I received a text from the surf dude Brian on Friday morning who said that the waves were not that great. I had the day off and was really counting on some decent surf so that I could get down early, surf a few hours and make it back to continue my moving. It would be quiet at the other home, and I would peacefully be able to get some of my stuff out. Of course, I would be a lot stronger mentally if I was
"The Endless Summer" movie still reminds me how much I miss summer sometimes. |
able to surf before I went to pack. Even though the wave report was bad, I loaded up Roxanne and headed to G-town. The waves did not look great, but every once in awhile a sweet little wave would roll in. I had a couple of wonderful rides, which made it a great day. A slight wind made me a little cool so I opted for my 3-2 wetsuit instead of my springsuit. Brian and his "lessons" were wearing springsuits, but I'm so glad I had my full wetsuit. I was chilly in the water. A man on the beach made a
snide remark about my wetsuit, but I would not have changed a thing. I would definitely prefer to be comfortable rather than be even just a little cool. I was hoping that by next Friday, I could wear my springsuit (I have a new one for this season), but with a cold front scheduled to come through on Thursday, I'm sure that by Friday, the air temp will be be too cool to allow me to do so. I'm sure the water temp will dip a tad too. Can't believe in May I will still be wearing a 3-2. Maybe I'll be able to wear before the season is over!
Mentioning the marathon training was how I began this post, so I feel it might be fitting to end this post with more marathon talk. I'm trying to run my long runs during the week, but I don't always have the time. I'm just going to have to figure this all out so I don't have to miss any surfing. I think I need longer days: Surf, run, run, surf, cycle, run!!
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