Rain and a busy schedule has kept me from surfing, and I'm really starting to miss being in the water. Thought this weekend and last weekend would give me at least one successful surf day, but I was wrong. With Easter and several other activities last weekend, I probably wouldn't have had time anyway, but this weekend, I had time to go down on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon or even this morning. I kept my eye on the webcam. Friday, during the day, several surfers went out and had a great time. I watched them on the webcam, but I couldn't leave work until 4 and, by then, the waves were gone and the rain was beginning. I was bummed that I missed it, but thought that after my run on Saturday, I would certainly be able to get in some surfing. By Saturday, the waves were still gone. It was very windy, so the water was rough, but no waves were forming.
I then thought that perhaps I would get a chance to surf on Sunday, but, again, waves were a mess. But….jump ahead to next weekend.
New post -- April 23
I started this post two weeks ago when finding waves was impossible. However, last weekend was a different story. I decided to take a weekend trip to Galveston. I registered for a half marathon that would start in downtown and then take runners to the Seawall before landing them back downtown. I ran the Diva Half Marathon last year, and because the run ended with the death of another runner, I knew that I needed to run it again just so that my last memory of it wouldn't be of a young girl dropping dead. I took last Friday off from work and made it to the island early on Friday morning to get in some surfing. Waves were disorganized, but at least there were waves. I went out on the east side of 43rd and caught a few. However, I kept feeling like it was carrying me close to the jetty because of the wave direction, which was definitely pushing west. I changed sides and went out on the west side, and even caught a few there. I missed several also just because of my inability to accurately read the wave. I was chilly when I arrived so I wore my 3-2. Since air temps were a little cool, I knew that with water temps in the 70s, I would be cold. I'm glad I wore it. Had a blast. I still need to work on my turning though. I always seem to ride toward shore. I might ride the wave at a little bit of an angle, but I always end up close to shore as if I'm just riding it straight in. I know I'm getting better, but I still have a long way to go.
Since I was staying in Galveston, I couldn't resist going out again on Saturday. I knew that I wouldn't have a chance to surf after my run on Sunday, so I decided to ride my bike down the beach to see where the best waves were. As it turns out, the best waves looked like they were across the street from the hotel at 51st Street jetty. I had never surfed there, but quite a few surfers were already out there. By the time, I changed into my suit and my shorty (my 3-2 was still wet) and headed out. I thought I would be cold, but I wasn't. Well, I was cool right at first, but I warmed up in no time. The waves had subsided quite a bit, but I still had fun. It felt good to be out two days in a row. I'm not sure that surfing two days in a row helped my run the next day, but I sure had fun. It was a great weekend.
Another new post…April 26
Now, jump ahead again, to this weekend. This morning (Sunday) I heard there were waves. I didn't believe it. The webcam didn't show very many waves. It looked flat to me despite a text from a Gtown friend who said he was going out. I had a crazy day planned, but I decided to head down and, just in case, I opted to take my SUP instead. Once I arrived there, though, I was wishing I had one of my other boards. The waves were, in fact, nice little peelers. A ton of people were out. I was glad I was there. And, I definitely needed the SUP practice. I'm thinking about talking lessons. I struggle surfing waves on it. I can catch them, but I don't get into the surfing stance fast enough. I feel a couple of times just because it was rougher than it usually is when I'm on my SUP. I saw an old friend who was in town, so even though I missed the surfing, it was still a great morning.
(Sorry to anyone who might be reading this confusing post. I need to get back into a regular pattern of posting. I need to stop letting life get int the way.)
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